It's Friday, when photo-bloggers round the world post photos of their skies, for
Skywatch Friday. Do pay them a visit!
This is St. Adalbert's Roman Catholic Church. Founded in 1903, part of the Albany Diocese. It is built high on the hill in the Mont Pleasant neighbourhood that overlooks General Electric.
Built as a reminder of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the spiritual and cultural focal point of Poland, St. Adalbert's Church has had nine pastors, all of Polish descent. In the early part of the 20th century, Poles, then Italians were emigrating to the US, and many of them settled here in Mont Pleasant. In 1890 there about 200 Poles lived here; in 1900 about 1700; in 1910 4200. Italians started coming about 10 years behind the Poles. Where there are people, there are churches...
It's not easy to get a good look at St Adalbert's from below - lots of trees on the sides of that hill. Oddly, the best view might be from the elevated highway Interstate-890 (which we often think of as an eyesore itself.) This was taken as we were driving by on I-890. The sky behind the church is what it looks like today, an amazing clear blue.