The first day of the month is
Theme Day in the City Daily Photo Blogger community, and this month's theme is
Click here to view thumbnails for all participantsHere in Upstate New York, I am literally surrounded by wood. Most houses are made of wood, there are forests with growing wood, fallen wood, decayed wood. Wood lies in piles at the lumber yards and home improvement stores. I have wooden window casings, stair cases, doors, jambs - it's just about impossible for me to look anywhere and not see wood.
Which made this theme a wonderful challenge. How on earth does one 'see' wood in a different way? Some way that reflects Schenectady? As you might guess, often it's the most familiar of objects which reveal themselves in the most startling of ways. For me, today, it's the ubiquitous telephone pole.
A squirrel lead me to this 'discovery.' It's at the end of my driveway. I walk past it many times every day, and it took a squirrel running up it for me to see it this way. As an added bonus, it uses the
Tenin Technique, although in the vertical dimension rather than Eric's usual horizontal format.