I've been away from the computer[1] and didn't have the presence of mind to set up a string of posts for Blogger to automatically post.
This is a close-up of a
Luna Moth. Although several people told me these are common, I have to say that I have only seen a very few in all my life.
This is a hand-held photo. I was afraid it would turn out blurry, but there was plenty of sun that morning. I risked putting a finger on the surface the moth was resting on, and then holding the camera on top of my hand. Apparently that worked. I was drawn to the shadows cast by the beautiful antennae. The moth is about as big as my hand.
[1] I was away playing radio. I'm an amateur radio operator (ham) and I have a particular interest in VHF and up. In particular, I like to build microwave radios. There isn't all that much call for microwave radios except during VHF and up contests. In North America, the
American Radio Relay League (ARRL) sponsor 4 VHF contests a year: January, June, August and September. I dont want to bore the photo people with ham radio stuff, so I don't normally mention it here.
Mt Greylock is a very beautiful place. The highest spot in Massachussetts, it is home to a wonderful variety of sub-alpine flora and fauna. Including this beautiful Luna Moth.