The City Daily Photo blog community holds a theme day on the first of the month. Everyone posts a photo that illustrates a given theme; it's very neat to see how others interpret the theme every month! This month's theme is Paths and Passages.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
My first instinct was to go hunt down a nice summery photo I did a bit of hiking and I'm sure there are plenty of photos that would suit. Then I looked out my front window and realised that every sidewalk on the street is a path!
Once I 'discovered' that fact, out came the camera and out went I. As it turns out, the wind was blowing that morning, and it looked like the Northwest Passage instead of a typical city street!
I can't wait to see everybody else's photos!
fishing vessel Greenport
à la Tugster, who spotted this beauty while hunting Sea Installer cruising
not far from my waters…she shares the same name as the village near where I
2 months ago